Mech Crusaders Wiki

Mechs above level 30 come with additional stat bonuses which are applied to your whole active team. These bonuses are active in battle until the Mech is killed, where the bonus is lost.

Current Group Effects[]

  • Group Damage - Increases the damage of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 36,42,48,54 and 75 mechs. This bonus stacks with additional mechs.
  • Group Double Damage - Increases the double damage chance of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 90 mechs. This bonus stacks with additional mechs.
  • Group Shield - Provides damage reduction to the mech and those around it with diminishing effect on mechs further away. This is available on level 75 mechs.
  • Group Movement - Increases the movement stat of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 31, 37, 43, 49, and 90 mechs. This bonus stacks with diminishing returns when multiple mechs are added.
  • Group Intuition - Increases the intuition stat of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 32, 38, 44, 50, and 90 mechs. This bonus stacks with diminishing returns when multiple mechs are added.
  • Group Targeting - Increases the targeting stat of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 33, 39, 45, 51, and 90 mechs. This bonus stacks with diminishing returns when multiple mechs are added.
  • Group Generalization - Increases all four mech skills of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 75 mechs. This bonus stacks with diminishing returns when multiple mechs are added.
  • Group Evasion - Increases the evasion stat of each mech by a given percentage. Available on level 34, 40, 46, 52, and 75 mechs. This bonus stacks with diminishing returns when multiple mechs are added.